Hello Family, Friends and Friends to be! Welcome to "Kisses For Callie", a blog set up in honor of sweet little Callie Jayne Butler. To read her story visit her big sister Ashley's blog
here.Callie's cousin Brittany McNeil has an upcoming Evening of Excellence program with her church youth organization. As her value project she has chosen to organize and carry out a benefit yard sale with all proceeds benefiting Callie. This blog was designed to get the word out and "call all angels" in an effort to encourage them to clean out those closets and give to a worthy cause! The exact date, location and details are still being hammered out, however we will keep you posted.
For now, please gather up your items and contact Brittany or Lisa McNeil at
mailto:mcneilfamilyof6@msn. We will make arrangements to pick up your items, or if you can drop them off that is also terrific!
Monetary donations are also gladly excepted. While many of you may live in the White Mountains, please remember that this sale will be held sometime in late October, so if you are anyone that you know will be traveling down to the valley before them, please send your items with them!!!
If anyone has any new items that they would like to donate for an online auction, please let us know as well!
Please post this link on your blogs and send out emails to everyone that you know. We want this to spread like wildfire! The more donations we receive, the more we can help relieve the financial burden being felt by her family at this time, which is the last thing that we want them to worry about.
There is also a link that is set up by Callie's sister Ashley which allows you to make an online donation via
Thank you for your love and support. More information will follow soon!