Thursday, September 23, 2010
Here's a link to the news
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Children and Vehicle Safety
Today, Callie & I were a part of a press conference from Phoenix Children's Hospital. The subject is children and vehicle safety. I little piece will be on the 4:00 5:00 & 6:00 news tonight in case anyone is interested in seeing it.
For those of you that miss I will inquire aoubt a link to pull it up after the fact.
Thank you for all your love & support!
~Dana & family
For those of you that miss I will inquire aoubt a link to pull it up after the fact.
Thank you for all your love & support!
~Dana & family
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Good News!!!

First off, my apologies for not keeping up on this blog! I've had a block...
Earlier this year, we were given the news that "they" had decided not to open Callie's left eyelid, stating that the risks would outweigh the benefits! This meant that Callie WOULD, if she hadn't already, lose the vision of the left eye eventually! Very hard news to take, which I had still not accepted.
Just last week she had a routine visit to her opthamologist. She will be wearing glasses, which Ashley is picking up today, and the idea of surgically suspending her left lid was brought up again!!! The doctor was suggesting that this might require a cornea transplant, so we took Callie to her cornea specialist the next morning. He said that he is very very pleased with the way her cornea looks and that she will not be needing a cornea transplant at this time and that he saw now reason why she should not be able to have a partial lid suspension!!! We have yet to hear the final word from her opthamologist, but Callie does have an appointment with the surgeon in September to set up one or both of the surgeries.
Also, another surgery will be set up to work with the two out of six muscles that work in her right eye to help her to be able to track inwards, where now she can track almost to midline and out. This will make it to where she doesn't have to turn her head to see straight ahead of herself.
I'm not a fan of having my baby undergo surgery, but I am excited about the good that can come from them for her in the long run!
As always, your thoughts, prayers, love and support continue to be felt and appreciated. Please forgive me for my inadequacy in showing this. May God pour out His choicest blessings on each of you now and always!!!
ALL Our Love & Gratitude,
Callie, Ashley, Dana & the rest of the Butler Family!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Recently Callie has been forming up to 3-4 word sentences
as regular conversation for her :) which is a BIG thing for her!
Then this morning she zipped up her pajamas after a diaper change!!! Yeah for her!
The BIGGEST news of the day has been over 1 year in coming. At the appt week before last, her Neurologist had not talked about the possibility of regaining the damaged nerve function, which we have previously thought was the 3rd & 7th nerve, and recently learned that she is also lacking 5th nerve function.
She has been to an Institute one time so far (Gifford Health Institute in Gilbert AZ run by Dr. Kevin Gifford), where they do therapy targeted to stimulate nerves that lack proper function. We have been doing some of the therapy here at home. We hope to get her back soon & frequent. She has also been receiving electrical facial stimulation to the left side of her face aimed to stimulate the damaged nerves, and hopefully "Wake up" the left side of her face! She pats her left cheek and says "Wake up Face!", she also says "tickle" when they apply the devises & sometimes clamps her little hand tight to her cheek & will NOT allow them to apply their "tickle tortuous" devices until bribed with a sucker! (the dum dum or tootsie variety :)
So, for the big news.... this morning she coughed, and her left eye squinched down tight every time she coughed and we have been noticing all morning how she is having general MOVEMENT on the left side of her face!!!!
It isn't in balance with the right side yet, but it is a very GREAT beginning!!!! and we are OH SOOOOO HAPPY about it!!!
Recently Callie has been forming up to 3-4 word sentences
as regular conversation for her :) which is a BIG thing for her!
Then this morning she zipped up her pajamas after a diaper change!!! Yeah for her!
The BIGGEST news of the day has been over 1 year in coming. At the appt week before last, her Neurologist had not talked about the possibility of regaining the damaged nerve function, which we have previously thought was the 3rd & 7th nerve, and recently learned that she is also lacking 5th nerve function.
She has been to an Institute one time so far (Gifford Health Institute in Gilbert AZ run by Dr. Kevin Gifford), where they do therapy targeted to stimulate nerves that lack proper function. We have been doing some of the therapy here at home. We hope to get her back soon & frequent. She has also been receiving electrical facial stimulation to the left side of her face aimed to stimulate the damaged nerves, and hopefully "Wake up" the left side of her face! She pats her left cheek and says "Wake up Face!", she also says "tickle" when they apply the devises & sometimes clamps her little hand tight to her cheek & will NOT allow them to apply their "tickle tortuous" devices until bribed with a sucker! (the dum dum or tootsie variety :)
So, for the big news.... this morning she coughed, and her left eye squinched down tight every time she coughed and we have been noticing all morning how she is having general MOVEMENT on the left side of her face!!!!
It isn't in balance with the right side yet, but it is a very GREAT beginning!!!! and we are OH SOOOOO HAPPY about it!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Na Na Na Na!

This morning Callie was in her high chair eating breakfast! Jeff & I were talking about high school football, when she had all she wanted, she stood up & sang so clearly, "na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey hey!" She cracks me up! That must be what she remebered from the football game on Friday!
I guess I'll take a minute to brag on the boys... Marcus & Burke are, both playing this year, Marcus as OT & kick off team & Burke plays center & defensive linebacker & kick off team. They also are both #56 (makes it easy on me :) & both of their teams are undefeated so far this season! I'm really enjoy football season :)
Anyway, Callie was just too cute this morning to not share!
Have a wonderful day!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Our Year of Miracles
Today marks One full year from the day of Callie's accident!
We have been sooooo blessed in so many ways & by so many people.
I feel that I have never adequately been able to show our thanks.
We have decided as a family that we would like to have a
Come & go Open House to honor this year with Callie
Sunday September 13, 2009
from Noon to Nine
in our home.
The invitation is to EVERYONE of you & anyone you feel would be interested to come!
We have been so AMAZED by the journey & feel that many have been touched
by the experience with Callie & ALL have been blessed that have been touched by it.
Please come & join us in our Joy for the year we have had with Callie.
If you would like to come & don't know where we live, please leave a comment & how you would like to be contacted & we will get directions to you.
We have been sooooo blessed in so many ways & by so many people.
I feel that I have never adequately been able to show our thanks.
We have decided as a family that we would like to have a
Come & go Open House to honor this year with Callie
Sunday September 13, 2009
from Noon to Nine
in our home.
The invitation is to EVERYONE of you & anyone you feel would be interested to come!
We have been so AMAZED by the journey & feel that many have been touched
by the experience with Callie & ALL have been blessed that have been touched by it.
Please come & join us in our Joy for the year we have had with Callie.
If you would like to come & don't know where we live, please leave a comment & how you would like to be contacted & we will get directions to you.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

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